Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Relaxing After Christmas

I was taking a nice post Christmas nap, when suddenly the flashy box appeared!

It was the mom.  Sorry mom you'll have to make the bed later.  And please put the flashy box away.


  1. Merry Christmas Trixie! We hope you had a wonderful day! Come over and visit us when you get a chance.
    Hugs from your TX friends,

  2. Meanie needs to remember who is boss of YOUR house!

  3. Meanie does look a little cranky all right. But still very cute. I think a little nip session would make you best buds.

    Happy 2012.

    Emma and Buster

  4. You would think after the holidays the camera will be retired for a little. But not with the humans and that find you so cute. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
